Saturday, February 20

True Story

So I was walking, right-
I was walking back to my room.
I was walking beneath the trees and along the paths that wind through the dorm buildings.
I was walking.
And all of the sudden I run into a shiny spiderweb thread that was swaying in the breeze.
So I put up a hand to kind of brush it away and off my face.

I keep walking.
And I'm just walking along this path, right-
and I feel a little tickle on my lip- I think nothing of it until I feel it

I then proceed to wipe my lip only to crush the inhabitant of that web-on my mouth.

There was a spider



Tuesday, February 16

On Backpacks...

No matter how old you are, no matter how mature you act, there's no way you can run with a backpack on and not look like a total dork.

Sunday, February 14

What Am I Doing?

It's interesting that my blog is called "doing," because looking back on 2010 so far, I don't really feel like I've done all that much. I haven't let that tenacious spirit take over. Instead, my classes are pulling hard on the reins and I feel like I'm only going a notch faster than backwards. But somehow it's all okay. I take heart in the fact that, though I may not be doing as much as I want to, I'm still learning things daily, I'm still pursuing things I love- I have not become stagnant.

And because those things are important to me, I'm okay with life being on the slower side right now.
God is still working.

Wednesday, February 10

But Tomorrow's A New Day

Let's just cut to the chase: today was the worst. day. ever.

It started with 1.75 hours of sleep, no breakfast, an 8 AM Lab, and ended with me getting lost downtown, having 6 cavities, and my professor deciding, during class, that he wouldn't collect the essay for another week.. even though the due date was today.


also I don't know how much more I can brush and floss my teeth.
I love flossing, just ask my roommate.

Songs In My Head:
"He Lays in the Reins" - Iron & Wine w/Calexico
"Older Chests" - Damien Rice

Verses Lately:
1 John 4:12
1 Thess. 2:1-8

"Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist
but the ability to start over."
-F. Scott Fitzgerald

Monday, February 8

what what! take that, suckaaa

I went to class today and mentioned that I was beginning to get a cold. A friend told me that what he always does to get rid of colds is to just act like he doesn't even have one; he'll still go to class, workout, and not even acknowledge that the cold exists; thus tricking his body into getting better.

I decided to try this little remedy for myself. After the longest nap and arguably the worst dinner ever, I went to the studio for my dance class and my body was just not having it. During stretches and sit-ups my body was like, "are you serious?" and I was like, "i'm dead serious. do it."

And it ended up being one of the best dance classes of my life.

I don't even feel sick anymore.

Sunday, February 7


The Super Bowl Sunday sweets & snacks succeeded in making me sick.

Friday, February 5

Jesus Gives Me Butterflies

The air was clean and fresh, and in it spoke a sense of wonder. The silence, with a fire of peace, whizzed past my ears as the wheels beneath my feet carried me across the pavement. A wholesome sigh left the cavity of my chest, and I smiled with ease as a shudder of butterflies flitted through my stomach. The realness of God consumed me, and in the trees He spoke of love and wonder. A confirmation.

Just minutes before, we had been in the common room- sprawled upon the dense furniture, eating rice krispy treats that a dear friend had made. The conversation aired of wonderment, grace, and the love affair we all share with our Savior. Never could there be a more encouraging scene than the spontaneous telling of stories: the way God has moved in our lives, the way He has worked in our dreams, the hopes that we have for the lost.

I was astounded by genuineness and honesty as stories of trials laced with hope, and fears counteracted by prayer, poured forth.

And was floored by the way God revealed the deeper similarities of heart I share with my siblings in Christ.

But as we left, I could hardly hold it together; it felt like Christmas morning. So instead of going upstairs right away, I went for a ride on my longboard- if only to feel the aliveness God has bestowed upon me, and if only for a moment.