Wednesday, February 10

But Tomorrow's A New Day

Let's just cut to the chase: today was the worst. day. ever.

It started with 1.75 hours of sleep, no breakfast, an 8 AM Lab, and ended with me getting lost downtown, having 6 cavities, and my professor deciding, during class, that he wouldn't collect the essay for another week.. even though the due date was today.


also I don't know how much more I can brush and floss my teeth.
I love flossing, just ask my roommate.

Songs In My Head:
"He Lays in the Reins" - Iron & Wine w/Calexico
"Older Chests" - Damien Rice

Verses Lately:
1 John 4:12
1 Thess. 2:1-8

"Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist
but the ability to start over."
-F. Scott Fitzgerald


  1. rachel :(
    my turn to pray for you!
    and your poor teeth...

  2. I can't even count how many weeks worth of sleep I wasted from rushing to finish things, only to find out the next day that it's been delayed. A simple email the night before could fix this, but that would make too much sense.

    And of course, when you simply can't get it done in time, this never happens lol

    I can't wait till you graduate. You're gonna love it :)
