Monday, May 3

Black Tears

My roommate's eyeliner always looks great. It doesn't ever smudge and it stays in these perfect black arches throughout the day. I asked what her secret was and she told me liquid eyeliner.

I was in need of some new eyeliner myself, so when I went to Target today, I searched for this magic beauty potion liquid eyeliner.

When I arrived back in my dorm with my new cosmetic, I decided to give it a whirl and try it out.

If you've ever used liquid eyeliner before, you know how.. juicy.. it is. The problem is, I hadn't ever used it before and I didn't know how juicy it was; thus when I attempted to apply it, I got too much of it too close to my eye and pretty soon my right is is welling up with these diluted black tears.

It was fascinating how fast my body responded to this villain. How did my eye know that the viscous intruder wasn't supposed to be there? Nevertheless, I watched in awe as my eye quickly went to work- moving the black liquid out of my eye. And as I wiped away my ebony tears, I thought one thing:

Man, the human body is amazing!

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