Monday, March 15

GEOG 130

So- I'm extremely frustrated right now. Extremely. My Geography class is insane and all the lecture material seems like an intro to something that will be more pertinent later. But the midterm is on Thursday. And our professor gave us a bogusly abstract practice test that basically said "study everything," which, any college student knows, is never helpful.

Sometimes I think- what's the use in blogging about this anyways; it's only extracting from the time I could be studying the material I'm complaining about, or even just the time that I could merely be sitting, staring at the myriad of complex terminology woven into the test questions and wondering if my seemingly eloquent-less professor actually wrote them. I have a hard time believing he did- either that or he is oblivious to the fact that the depth and complexity of the midterm content is never addressed in lecture.

And it's not only the lecture! It's the lab too. About 3/4 of our time in lab is spent collaborating to figure out how to format our Excel graphs so they look the right way- something our instructor does not know how to do either. It's great.. I love trying to discern the guts of the lab later on, by myself, because we spent so much time in class re-formating our x-axis so it would be more aesthetically pleasing...

The whole thing is frustrating, and it's casting an ominous shadow on my GPA.
I'm trying the best I can.
And while I'm close to tears about the ordeal, I'm trying (trying) to trust that as long as I'm doing the best I can, God's got the rest of it- even if that means a B or a C (as much as it kills me to say it). Because if that's what it takes to get me to where He wants me to be, or humble me in the knowledge that my identity is not found in my GPA, then so be it.

I'm just afraid that these instructional inconsistencies are going to rob me of a grade that I am and have been working for.

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