Sunday, March 28


So I've been thinking lately: It's one thing to know a person by knowing all their favorites- their favorite movies, favorite band, favorite color, favorite food- but I feel like you get to know someone a lot more when you start finding out things they don't like. For some reason, those things seem to reveal a whole lot more about a person. Maybe it's because they are talked about a whole lot less.

Nevertheless, I find myself wondering about least-favorites and dislikes often, especially when I'm around people whose optimism and general love for the world seem to define their existence (how do they do it?!). And to me it's like a small treasure when they gag at the mention of a particular food, or switch the radio when a certain song comes on (usually accompanied by "ugh. ew. no. I hate that song"). I always smile silently if they reveal mild frustration, or even outrightly unveil the thing they are afraid of, or something they do not like.

It's not that I'm condoning hatred, I just find least-favorites to be particularly unique.

Some of my own least-favorites:
word: kowtow (it sounds bitter and reminds me of the color 'burnt orange')
food: watermelon
band: the smashing pumpkins
school subject: math
movie genre: horror
artificial flavor: orange (reminds me of being car sick- Dramamine is orange-flavored).
instrument: pan flute (sounds like San Francisco).
grammatical mistake: the misusing of "there" "their" and "they're"
habit of mine: being 5 minutes late

1 comment:

  1. I was about to rage about you not liking watermelons, but then I saw the "there/their/they're". That totally made up for it and then some. I'm a grammar nazi in general, but the "theres" take the cake for me.
