Sunday, March 7

Photo Blog

So, I'm realizing now that I'm not very good at this whole blog thing.. my blog while I was in Japan was different because I usually had something new and exciting to talk about every day. Now it's just.. regular life. I find myself wondering "what the heck could I even write about today?" and then I end up writing about how I walked into a spider web, or saw someone running with their backpack on. Needless to say, my life is not only average, but relatively boring at times. Thus, I introduce the photo blog... because everyone likes pictu
res! Here are the last three-point-three months of my life in a photographic nutshell:

#1) Thinking of fictitious band names with a dear friend, some of which included:
-November Coast
-Sage (also "Ground Pepper" or anything else we found in my spice cabinet.)
-and in honor of Owl City: "Pigeon Village"

#2) Having Christmas at home.

-we always have a very shimmery and very eclectic tree, decked in ornaments from the last 50 years.

#3) Getting to explore the way-back roads of my hometown while site selecting for Catharsis.

#4) Being on a road that divided the ever-growing, ever-grasping city and housing developments from the glorious farmland.. and knowing that it was only a matter of time :(

#5) Getting to film Catharsis with Chris and Heather.
- it was a way bigger project than anticipated,
but so worth the effort to complete.

#6) Forcing my dog to take pictures with me..

#7) Taking myspace-trendy pictures of myself
while allowing for successful photo-bombing..

#8) Some things from my bedroom that I love:
-my picture of me and my 3 besties in high school.
-my calendar from 2008 when I went to Alaska with Heather, Aimee, and Spencer.

#9) Driving back to Long Beach after winter break-
-if I got pulled over while taking pictures of myself, wouldn't it be hilarious if the cop car & lights were in the reflection of my aviators? I think that picture would be worth the ticket..

#10) Meeting best friends in the Happiest Place on Earth.

#11) Picture from the set of the Navigators Truth Conference video.
-looking at this makes me know what I want to do with my life.

#12) Dancing with a cardboard cut out (goofing off on set)

#13) Making new friends...

#14) ... and continuing relationships with older ones.

#15) Beach Devotional Saturdays
-except.. the last 4 Saturdays have been the ONLY days it has rained.. what's up with that?

#16) Having 17 mate-less socks..

#17) Buying $5 childhood favorites at Target..

#18) Painting abstract stuff while I'm sick-
also, making the same face I made after
buying $5 childhood favorites at Target.

#19) Being sick.. bleh.

I also have been studying and stuff too- but I mean c'mon- who takes pictures of that? :)

1 comment:

  1. If I ever get around to learning an instrument and join/make a band, I'm gonna name a song or album November Coast. As a tribute of sorts. If I DON'T ever join/make a band, you can use my idea for a band name: Cold and Carsick. The only rule is that, with a name like that, it has to be an indie band. It's the only option.

    Also, I plan on possibly doing a short stand-up routine at some time or another...and one thing I had in mind was spiders attacking. So your everyday stories aren't boring to everyone ;)
